Winston Zhou

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Year In Review: 2022

Hej hej hello! Welcome back for another year.

2022 wasn’t exactly what I had envisioned for it. It was my first year as a full corporate drone, which meant there was relatively limited opportunity for juicy work outside of that. There was a point in the year around August where I really….didn’t want to do this review because for most of the year I felt super drained and unmotivated. But I think even on the drought years it’s important to still follow through! In my mind, doing this review is one of the most invaluable things I can be doing for my growth as an artist. It was the year of personal work, and trying to lean into the weird abstract photos that I love making. I’m choosing to view this annual task as a release of sorts as opposed to some Ourobourian ritual. A sexy little treat for myself, regardless of my accomplishments or lack thereof. So here we are!

I guess I should really quickly add that while I say this was a “drought” year, I really only mean that in the sense of drive for creative personal work. On paper I did take fewer clients this year but I’m still extremely grateful for the people who I was able to have in front of my camera and the projects I was able to participate in! The idea that you’re lazy if you’re not working on things constantly has been something that’s been a consistent soggy crust in my pie. But with this year being the first time my calendar wasn’t already pre-filled with contracts, I decided to make a bit of a conscious effort towards keeping it that way? This year really felt like a year of introspective growth as opposed to strictly being focused on technical knowledge/money. And looking back, I really wouldn’t have it any other way.

This first section of photos encapsulates my favorite work that happened when I was able to be alone. One of my favorite things is to go for walks with my camera on a quiet day and just watch. Sometimes I get to make photos. Sometimes I come back with nothing. These photos are my favorite little “somethings.”

As always, if you’d like to work with me to make a little something, call me beep me if you wanna reach me.

Some things to note in the photos above:
- A revisiting to my Alma Mater on a blistering afternoon to celebrate the PhD of a dear friend.
- Discovering the neighborhood cats that live by my new apartment
- Scenes from my first vacation in many many years
- A beautiful slicer from the incredibly talented Baltimore knifemaker, Henry Hyde (see what’s available on his storefront here).

This next section of photos are an ultra condensed snapshot into the people I was able to photograph this year. Some of these projects were work. Others as “work”. A rolling stone gathers no bridge birds, or whatever. All of these people do incredible things, so I’ll be sure to be highlighting them in the future with more dedicated posts :)

This past year has been restful, draining, mind-numbing, inspiring, and juicy in completely backwards unexpected ways. Making attempts to be more public with my work seems to be an annual declaration (so I see no reason to stop saying it now, haha!) I’ll do my best to share more.

As always, thank you to all the people who continue to grace me with their presence and support. Thank you to my friends who keep me anchored when storms brew. Thank you to my bidet for giving me relief when my stomach brews storms. And thank you (yes, you!) for taking the time to read this! I’m sure this year will bring boundless challenges, but I’m quite optimistic that there will be an equal share of joyous experiences just waiting to be unearthed.

Thanks for sticking around. Let’s make something awesome this year.
